Enhanced embeds allow you to pass through additional information via your embed code to the platform.
There are 3 parameters currently supported for enhanced embeds:
Pass through known user information such as name and email address, so we can pre-populate the checkout fields with these, to avoid the user having to fill this in again. This needs to be passed as a parameter “prefill” as a URL encoded JSON string. Example:
"name": "Jane Smith",
"email": "j.smith@gmail.com"
URL encoded param:
Data to be sent back to Remo in the confirmation webhook. This could include UserID for pairing the order back to the correct user once they have successfully purchased. This needs to be passed as a parameter “checkout_data” as a URL encoded JSON string. Example:
"userId": "abc123"
URL encoded param:
Whatever value we receive for this parameter will be sent back in the confirmation webhook to then process against your system.
After successful checkout, we can redirect the customer back to your own site, simply pass through the parameter as a URL encoded stringExample: https://www.example.com/success
URL encoded param: